SENCO and SEN Staff
Our SENCO is Susan Simon.
More details of the SENCO’s role can be found in the SEN Policy which can be found in the School Polices section of our website.
The team also includes staff trained in Elklan, Makaton, Supporting Children on the Autistic Spectrum and the Restorative Approach.
External Specialists and Other Bodies
The school enjoys good working relationships with a wide range of people who provide services to children with SEND and their families.
The external specialists may:
- Act in an advisory capacity
- Extend expertise of school staff
- Provide additional assessment
- Support a child directly
- Suggest statutory assessment is advisable
- Consult with all parties involved with the child
These include:
- Durham County Council Local Offer
- Durham SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
- Educational Psychology Consultants
- Speech and Language Therapy Consultants