Langley Moor Nursery School

Our Vision

Play, Learn and Grow Together

Our Ethos

Everyone at Langley Moor Nursery School recognises the importance of creativity, individuality, responsibility and a sense of community.

We foster a love of learning through exploration, fun and challenge in a safe place where all children are welcomed, valued and supported to achieve their best from their unique starting point.

We strive to develop positive partnerships with parents, other professionals and agencies to best meet the needs of our children.

Our School Values

  • To develop and maintain the best possible Early Years provision for children in Langley Moor and the surrounding area.
  • To be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, developing and nurturing individual talents and a sense of belonging.
  • To encourage all children to reach their full potential through having high expectations for every child.
  • To be involved in the life of the community, supporting children and their families through strong links with external and local agencies and in partnership with parents and feeder schools and settings.
  • To be reflective and flexible in order to adapt to new opportunities and challenges as the educational landscape changes.

British Values

At Langley Moor Nursery School our vision and values are the core of everything we do. Our nursery is inclusive and welcoming to all. Everyone at Langley Moor Nursery School has the right to be treated with fairness and respect, to be listened to and to be safe and happy. We develop children’s understanding and appreciation that we live in diverse communities with different cultures and lifestyles.

We ensure that all children and families are listened to, whatever their communication level or style. We strive to develop positive partnerships with parents and seek their views through a variety of means including questionnaires, informal discussions and feedback sessions.

The Government has stated that all schools have a clear responsibility to promote the fundamental British values below:

  • democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we actively promote British Values with these embedded particularly within the area of Personal, Social and Emotional development. We also plan additional activities over the year to promote British Values.  We encourage respect for other people, and avoid presenting stereo-typical views of families.  We ensure that all children and families are listened to, whatever their communication level or style. We strive to develop positive partnerships with parents and seek their views through a variety of means including questionnaires, informal discussions and feedback sessions.

How do we promote British Values as part of our curriculum?


  • Our children have the freedom to make choices
  • Voting stations for making choices in the classroom e.g. voting which story we will read at story time
  • Staff encourage conflict resolution by working out with children what has happened and encouraging a way round i.e sharing, taking turns, negotiating roles in play – this helps children to become more sensitive to the feelings and needs of others
  • Children are always listened to by staff and are encouraged to listen to each other – this encourages the children to understand they are valued and have a valuable contribution to make

The Rule of Law:

  • School teaches children that everyone -children and adults- are to be given respect
  • Class rules are created with the children and on display for them to refer back to
  • Children are encouraged to understand what is right and wrong through reinforcing of rules and routines in Nursery
  • Children are given praise for their good behaviour
  • The children follow a daily routine and understand the expectations within the classroom e.g. tidy-up time
  • Through the area of learning ‘Understanding the World’ children learn about communities and people who help us – e.g. the Police with a visit from Jet and Ben the dogs

Individual Liberty:

  • We have an inclusive approach where all children are recognised as individuals, where their individual potential is grown
  • Staff praise and encourage children’s effort and achievements to help them develop a positive image of themselves and increase their self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Everyone has the right to be listened to and to be treated with fairness and respect.
  • Special helpers are chosen at group time which helps to develop confidence and self-esteem e.g. to ring the bell for tidy time
  • Children’s interests are followed when planning activities within the classroom, developing their interests while also challenging them to try something new

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs:

  • We create an ethos of tolerance, appreciation and respect for others
  • Staff model speaking respectfully and listening to everyone, particularly at group time
  • Group time discussions are planned to talk through our similarities and differences
  • Views, faith, cultures and races are valued
  • Staff promote diversity and challenge stereotypes through role play, discussion and stories
  • As part of our curriculum offer, we teach children about other faiths, culture and traditions, such as Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Luna New Year, Ramadan and Eid